Does your company depend on Information Technology assets?
Business continuity depends on Information Technology (IT) assets in most enterprises. The more functions within your organization that depend on IT assets, the greater the impact to profitability when the assets incur downtime. When employee productivity suffers, so does profit.
Do you invest in IT assets?
There is a direct correlation between IT assets and profitability. But even with such an obvious correlation, many companies treat the expense as a burden to the bottom line. In actuality, the capital and operating expense should be considered a critical part of the investment toward sustained profitability.
How does an inadequate investment in IT assets cost your company money?
An inadequate investment typically results in undersized solutions with little or no maintenance, which can cause systems to fail and cause unexpected IT downtime, thereby disrupting business processes. If the disruption is significant, it can bring a financial loss that is measured in dollars per minute of downtime.
How much does IT downtime cost your company?
Identifying the actual cash value of downtime is a difficult but important part of business planning. Consider soft-costs which have an impact on productivity, cash flow and customer relationships. Assigning a value to your company’s downtime will lead to more informed decisions when planning IT investments.
Should you create a specific IT Investment Plan?
Seek to understand the IT assets needed to ensure business continuity. Focusing on reliable infrastructure, regular maintenance and dependable service providers is an excellent way to start the planning process and mitigate potential financial losses.
How can you find help with IT Investment Planning?
Consult an experienced Technology Advisor to assess your company's technology environment and develop a cost-effective IT investment plan.
article by Gavin Miner, Strategic Sales Advisor, The AME Group
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