
Leadership: Flexibility – Timing – Innovation
Aug 8, 2018
David Lombard, Dr. Lombard Coaching and Leadership

Change is so rapid today that leaders must do much more than stay the course to be successful. If they aren’t nimble and ready to adapt, they won’t survive. The key is to learn how to develop leadership flexibility, innovation and master the science of timing. Leadership Guru John C. Maxwell refers to this as “Leadershift.” 

Leadershift: Leadershift gives leaders the ability and willingness to make leadership changes that will positively enhance organizational and personal growth. Each shift changes your trajectory and sets you up for new and exciting achievement, ultimately strengthening and sustaining your leadership abilities and making you the admired leader your organization needs and deserves.

Flexibility: Being able to make a Leadershift is not a simple task. You first must be able to change the way you think (becoming more open to new ideas, critically observing the market change), act differently (be bold when others are cautious, embrace the new when others fear change) and lead boldly so that your business can be successful in a world that never remains the same.

Timing: We all know that timing is everything. Trouble is, we don’t know much about timing itself. Our business and professional lives present a never-ending stream of “when” decisions. But we make them based on intuition and guesswork. Timing, we believe, is an art. Best-selling author Daniel Pink wrote that timing is really a science – one we can use to make smarter decisions, enhance our productivity and boost the performance of our organizations. 

Innovation: Carly Fiorina, the first woman to lead a Fortune 50 company, embraced several shifts in her leadership to drive innovation. Strategically shifting her leadership focus, embracing the art of timing and energizing innovation, Carly quadrupled Hewlett Packard’s growth to become the 11th largest company in the U.S.  

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