Describe yourself in three words. Funny, caring and giving.
In what city did you grow up? Burlington, Connecticut and Little Falls, New York.
What book has had the greatest impact on you? “Resilient” by John Eldredge.
What is the first movie you ever saw in a theater? “Chitty Chitty Bang Bang.”
As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up? An airline stewardess.
What is your favorite part of your job? Working with my amazing staff and clientele.
What do you love most about Fort Wayne? The affordability of living and the friendly community.
What was your first job? I was a cashier at the Great American Supermarket.
What is your greatest accomplishment? My four children.
What is your dream job? I would love to be a travel blogger.
What is your biggest pet peeve? A messy house.
If Hollywood made a movie about your life, whom would you like to cast as you? Marilyn Monroe.
What would you choose as your last meal? An anchovy pizza and Caesar salad.
What three items would you want with you if you were stranded on a desert island (other than food and water)? My husband, a pool and a “glamper.”
Who would you like to see perform in concert? Adele.
If you could travel anywhere, where would you go? Transylvania in central Romania.
What does your workout regimen consist of? I do a variety of work-out classes usually four or five days a week.
What profession would you never try? I could never be a plumber.
If you could solve one major problem, what would it be? The drug epidemic.
Where will you go on your next vacation? Barbados.
What’s one thing you can’t live without? My family.
If you could give your 15 year-old self advice, what would it be? There isn’t anything in life that can’t be resolved.
What’s your biggest fear? Something happening to my family.
Name one person who has inspired you in your life. Jack Finn — my boss at Centrex Clinical Labs.
What is one important skill you think everyone should have? Proper phone etiquette.
What skill would you like to master? Dancing.
Who was your first celebrity crush? Peter Frampton.
What was the last gift you gave someone? UGG slippers.
What is the strangest thing you’ve ever eaten? Chocolate covered crickets.
What is the most productive time of day for you? Early-to-mid morning.
If you received enough money to never need to work again, what would you spend your time doing? Traveling and volunteering at an animal shelter.
What gets you excited and driven to achieve? Goals that my staff and I set.
If you could know the answer to one of life’s mysteries, which mystery would you choose? Life after death.
When are you happiest? I’m happiest when my family is all together.
If you had a time machine, where and to what time period would you travel? The 1940s, specifically in New York City.
What moment in your life would you most like to go back and relive? Oct. 30, 2014 in Charleston.
When was the last time you cried and why? Aug. 18, 2023 — the day my daughter left for college.