You What?

Gary D. Shearer, President & CEO, PHP
Feb 2, 2024
Jeffrey Crane
You What?

Do you have a nickname? Burr. Back in the ‘70s, most of my friends had long hair. My dad insisted that my brother and I have burr cuts. The nickname started out as Burrhead and later was shortened to Burr. My high school friends still call me that. When my dad was alive, he even referred to me as Burr. 

In what city did you grow up? Marion, Indiana.

What book has had the greatest impact on you? The Bible. I wish I had read it from front to back much earlier in my life. I have done so twice now and plan to do so again in 2024. Basic Instruction Before Leaving Earth.

What famous person would you most like to meet? Before his recent death, I would have said Bob Knight. I am a big IU fan and was always impressed with the contribution he got from his players and teams.

What do you actually do at your job? I’m sure most of my team wonders the same thing. Vision and strategy for PHP are at the top of the list. If I’m not focused on it, then nobody will be. I’ve been committed to building a great leadership team and helping them with their teams. Another important focus is the external face of PHP in the northern Indiana community. 

What was your first job? My first “real” job was flipping burgers at Wendy’s. My dad ran a Firestone dealership, so I also spent a lot of time changing oil, tires and car batteries. That made me want to go to college and do something less greasy.

What is your greatest accomplishment? Raising two great children: Parker, 31, and Amanda, 29. I’m very proud of them. 

What is your dream job? Running a fishing boat charter in the Florida Keys.

What is your biggest pet peeve? Unfinished work. If you start it, finish it.

What would you choose as your last meal? Pizza and a good craft beer. I tell my wife all the time that I could eat pizza every single day. I wish it was a health food.

If you had a time machine, where and to what time period would you travel? The year 2500. I think it would be cool to see how the world changes from now to then.

Who would you like to see perform in concert? I wish that I had gone to a Led Zeppelin concert. I love rock and roll.

If you could travel anywhere, where would you go? There are many places on my bucket list, but I’d say northern Italy or Switzerland.

What does your workout regimen consist of? Mostly walking and weight training. I used to run/jog, but those days are long gone. I do try to get at least 10,000 steps per day. I don’t reach that every day, but on average I get 70,000 per week.

What profession would you never try? Pest control. I don’t like bugs or snakes.

What’s one thing you can’t live without? My wife, Laura.

What’s the best piece of advice you’ve been given? Don’t worry about the things you can’t control.

What is one important skill you think everyone should have? The ability to get along with other people.

What skill would you like to master? Fishing. I learn a lot from my friends like Clete Schenkel and Mike Corson. It’s a never ending thirst to get better at it.

What age do you wish you could permanently be and why? 40. You’re old enough to know how the world works and young enough to enjoy it.

If you could send a message to the entire world, what would you say in 30 seconds? Put down your phone and be present in the moment. Spend as much time as possible with family and friends. Enjoy the world around you; it’s a fantastic creation. 

What is something that never fails to make you laugh? The movie “Rat Race.” It makes me laugh out loud every single time. 

When were you happiest? Right now. I have a great life, family, friends, job, team and the ability to travel. I’m truly thankful for everything.  

Describe yourself in three words. Curious, motivated and organized.

What is the first movie you ever saw in a theater? The first one that I remember is “The Exorcist.” My mom let me tag along with my brother when I was in grade school (he was in high school). It scared the crap out of me. What was my mom thinking and why did the movie theatre let a young kid like me in?

What is your favorite part of your job? Helping people grow in their career. When I look back on my career, I get the most satisfaction by seeing how well those that I worked with at various times ended up doing in their careers.

What do you love most about Fort Wayne? The people. Everyone is friendly and helpful.  

Who is your hero? My dad. He taught me a lot of life lessons.  

Do you have a motto you live by? If so, what is it? Do your best and try your hardest. My dad said this to me too many times to count.  

What three items would you want with you if you were stranded on a desert island (other than food and water)? My wife, an unlimited supply of sunscreen and a fishing pole with tackle.

If you could solve one major problem, what would it be? World peace.

Where will you go on your next vacation? I just went to Ireland this past November. I’ll spend time in the Florida Keys during late winter and early spring. I don’t have anything else planned at the moment.

If you could give your 15 year-old self advice, what would it be? Be willing to take risks in life and learn from your mistakes. If you are taking risks, then mistakes will happen, but in the end you will accomplish so much more in life. 

What’s your biggest fear? I don’t think I have any real fears, but I don’t like snakes or spiders.  

What is the best gift you have ever been given? People’s time. Time is valuable.  

Name one person who has inspired you in your life. I have had numerous mentors throughout my life that have inspired, taught and guided me throughout my career and life. I have family, bosses, co-workers and friends who have all inspired me.  

What fad do you wish would come back or stay gone forever? Leisure suits and super wide ties can stay gone forever. I’d be okay with ties going away in general.

Who was your first celebrity crush? Farrah Fawcett. The poster of her in the red swimsuit is burnt into my memory.

What was the last gift you gave someone? I gave my son, Parker, tickets to the Festival of Trees. He is a Christmas fanatic.  

What is the most productive time of day for you? The afternoon.

If you received enough money to never need to work again, what would you spend your time doing? Fishing, golfing, traveling, spending more time with family, attending IU basketball and football games, and volunteering.

What gets you excited and driven to achieve? Making a difference in people’s lives.  

What do you collect? At this point in my life, not much. I don’t need more stuff. I have collected baseball cards, coins and stamps in the past, and still have those collections tucked away. I haven’t looked at them in years.  

When was the last time you cried and why? September of 2019. My mom passed away on Sept. 11, 2019. I loved her dearly.

What is your earliest memory? I remember being on vacation with my family (mom, dad, brother and sister) in Gatlinburg, Tennessee. I’m not sure of my age at the time, but I was probably around four. I wandered away from the family car and was lost for a few minutes. I still remember that and also swimming in the pool at the hotel.   

What trait or habit in yourself do you deplore? I may be a bit OCD on organization. I like things in their place.

Do you have any guilty pleasures? What are they? Craft beer, especially IPAs, and bourbon.


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