Greater Fort Wayne Inc.

GFW Inc. is celebrating its 10-year anniversary.
Apr 1, 2024
Greater Fort Wayne Inc.

Celebrating our 10-year anniversary, Greater Fort Wayne Inc. (GFW Inc.) is proud of our contributions to business development and enhancing the quality of life in Fort Wayne and Allen County. Since 2014 GFW Inc. has assisted on over 200 business attraction and expansion projects that have led to $4.5 billion in private investment, 14,000 new jobs created and an increase in annual payroll by $641 million. GFW Inc. is proud to have worked with our partners to realize this success.

Join GFW Inc. at our Annual Meeting on June 6 as we celebrate our anniversary. Learn more at

Company History
Since our establishment in 2014, Greater Fort Wayne Inc. has served as the premier chamber of commerce, leadership, and economic development organization for Fort Wayne and Allen County. The organization was formed through the strategic merger of the Greater Fort Wayne Chamber of Commerce, Leadership Fort Wayne, and the Fort Wayne-Allen County Economic Alliance, uniting the strengths and resources of these entities to drive economic growth and development in the region.

Mission Statement
Greater Fort Wayne Inc. is committed to supporting local business, attracting new business, and improving our community’s quality of place to grow jobs, wages and the economy. 

Greater Fort Wayne Inc.

Address: 200 E. Main St., Suite 800, Fort Wayne, Indiana 46802

Phone: (260) 420-6945


IMG Insurance Management Group

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