
Fly Smarter – FWA to Host Mobile Global Entry Enrollment Event in May
Apr 1, 2024
Katie Robinson, Marketing Specialist, FWA

Calling all international travelers! The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) and U.S. Customs and Border Protection plan to once again host a Mobile Global Entry event at Fort Wayne International Airport (FWA) from Monday, May 13, 2024 through Friday, May 17, 2024. Over the past few years, FWA has hosted a number of Mobile Global Entry events with DHS as demand from local travelers for appointments to enroll is high. 

All who travel internationally (including the business community and frequent travelers) are invited to enroll in this program. It provides expedited clearance at major airports for approved travelers upon arrival back in the United States. Global Entry members can save time in the customs process with expedited clearance, using automated Global Entry kiosks. Other benefits of Global Entry include avoiding processing lines and paperwork, access to expedited entry benefits in other countries, reduced wait times and all TSA Preè benefits.

In order to reserve an appointment time during FWA’s Mobile Global Entry enrollment event, those interested must apply via the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) website and create a Trusted Traveler Program (TTP) account. You are likely to secure a Global Entry appointment at FWA if you have already submitted your application and are ready to schedule your in-person interview, but you may apply for Global Entry at any time. Below are the application steps and important information to schedule an appointment at FWA’s temporary enrollment center. 

To Apply for Global Entry:
Create a Trusted Traveler Program (TTP) account by visiting Each applicant, regardless of age, must have their own TTP account.

Log into the TTP account and complete the application. A $100 non-refundable fee is required with each completed application.

After accepting a completed application and fee, the application will be reviewed. If it is conditionally approved, the GOES account will instruct the applicant to schedule an interview at a Global Entry Enrollment Center. Applicants will then be able to select FWA by the dates of the Mobile Enrollment event. Each applicant must schedule a separate interview time slot.

Applicants need to bring a valid passport and one other form of identification, such as a driver’s license or ID card, to the interview. Lawful permanent residents must present a machine-readable permanent resident card.

Appointments will run each day of the event from 8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. — walk-in appointments will not be accepted. Appointment slots are expected to be available for booking through the DHS website in mid-to-late April. Look for more information to come via FWA’s social media channels and newsletter. 

Learn more about the U.S. Customs and Border Protection Global Entry program at  

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