You What?

Theresa Kacmarik & Maureen Madden, Co-Owners, Cookie Cottage, Inc.
Jun 3, 2024
Jeffrey Crane
You What?

Describe yourself in three words.
T: Devoted, compassionate, honest.
M: Inquisitive, creative, competitive.

What book has had the greatest impact on you?
T: My Bible history book from elementary school. To this day, I still reference it as it laid the foundation for learning and relating in my faith.
M: I do love to read, and I read a lot, but the book that I feel made a huge impact on me was my mom’s Betty Crocker Cookbook! To this day I enjoy checking out the recipes inside, but with the internet I feel cookbooks are becoming obsolete.

What is the first movie you ever saw in a theater?
T: “Francis the Talking Mule.”
M: My sister Theresa took me to see Elvis in “Girls! Girls! Girls!” at the Lincolndale Drive-In. I remember she even put my hair in rollers because it was a Saturday night and we had church the next day.

What was your first job?
T: I worked at Woolworth’s dime store as a cashier, lunch counter attendant and, eventually, as a department assistant.
M: The day I was able to work I put my application in at McDonalds. I was there for three years and loved every minute of it. I still to this day apply many of the rules and lessons I learned there.

What is your greatest accomplishment?
T: My greatest accomplishment is being a mother, grandmother and great-grandmother.
M: Having five outstanding children and raising them to be caring, responsible, amazing adults. My family is everything.

What is your biggest pet peeve?
T: Bullying. We need to learn to value each other more.
M: When people lie and don’t take responsibility for their actions.

If you could travel anywhere where would you go?
T: I would love to be able to safely visit the Holy Land where Christ walked.
M: I would love to see Australia and New Zealand.

What profession would you never try?
T: Anything that requires me to be in/under the water, and space travel.
M: Anything that involves being in high places or underwater — window washing, sky diving, deep sea diving, being on a submarine, etc.

If you could give your 15 year old self advice, what would it be?
T: Be aware of how much weight you give to other’s opinions of you.
M: Believe in yourself, never doubt your worth and never give up.

What is the best gift you’ve ever been given?
T: My sister, Maureen, being born on my 13th birthday.
M: My life.

If you hosted a talk show who would be your first guest?
T: Dolly Parton.
M: I would love to interview Mike Rowe.

What skill would you like to master?
T: The computer!
M: Giving speeches in front of large groups of people.

Who was your first celebrity crush?
T: Elvis Presley.
M: Oh boy, I’m showing my age here! Bobby Sherman.

What is the strangest thing you’ve ever eaten?
T: Cow brains. They weren’t bad, but I wouldn’t eat them again.
M: This sounds so cruel, but my nephews are avid hunters and I tried dove hearts.

When were you the happiest?
T: I can’t pick just one moment in life, but I truly enjoyed being home with my children while they were growing up.
M: I’m a very optimistic person. I wake up and thank God every day for my life. 

Do you have a nickname?
T: When Maureen and I started Cookie Cottage, we were given the name “Cookie Ladies” by our regular customers. When I was little, my aunt gave me the name “slowpoke” because I was very meticulous with my tasks, which made me slower at finishing things. There was a cute song at that time called Slowpoke and my aunt said it was written just for me.
M: Do you have a nickname? Ever since we started Cookie Cottage Theresa and I both get called “Cookie Ladies.”
In what city did you grow up?
T: Fort Wayne, Indiana. My grandmother’s parents were here when the Bass Mansion was inhabited, and they would watch the people dressed in their finest clothing go to parties and celebrations in their horse and buggies.
M: Fort Wayne, Indiana. I feel very fortunate to have been raised here!
As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up? 
T: I wanted to be an artist. At a young age I showed artistic talent. I would spend my time drawing people, baby faces, trees and flowers. I truly enjoyed it, but never pursued it as a career.
M: I always thought I would be a nurse. I have always been fascinated with the medical profession.
What do you actually do at your job? 
T: I am semi-retired now, but when I was actively working in the business, I handled our marketing, customer service, employee benefits and community outreach.
M: I am the one developing and researching all the recipes. I also do some of the PR work and, don’t tell anybody, but I love to talk. My kids say I don’t know a stranger.
Who is your hero? 
T: Mother Teresa.
M: That would be my husband, Roger. We will be married 49 years this year. He fell 30-feet from a scaffolding collapse and he hit concrete. The doctors couldn’t believe he survived, but what was more amazing was his recovery — he defied all expectations. He always goes above and beyond in everything he does.
Do you have a motto you live by?
T: Be honest and faithful.
M: The Golden Rule. “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” I truly believe if everyone followed this rule the world would be a way better place. You don’t have to believe the same things, just respect other's beliefs as long as they don’t harm you in any way.
Who would you like to see in concert? 
T: Elvis, again and again!
M: I’ve seen most of the people I enjoy listening to, however, I’ve never seen Elton John.
What does your workout regimen consist of? 
T: I love to walk. Before I was diagnosed with spinal stenosis, I would walk 2-4 miles per day. We had two dogs, Great Pyrenees, who I would walk in the mornings.
M: I try to work out every day for 45-60 minutes. I include elliptical, rowing and weight training.

If you could solve one major problem what would it be?
T: I would have all God’s creatures respect one another — to love each other despite our differences, just as He loves everyone.
M: The division that we are experiencing in the world today!

What is one thing you can't live without?
T: My faith in God.
M: This is an easy question -- my family! They are why I exist.

Name one person who has inspired you.
T: My great-grandmother (my mother’s grandmother).
M: I am who I am because of who my mother was. She was the most amazing person I have ever known!

If you received enough money to never need to work again, what would you spend your time doing?
T: Helping those in need of a better life.
M: Mentoring others to reach their potential.

What do you collect?
T: Looney Tunes Tweety memorabilia and Elvis memorabilia
M: My family would say everything, but I love frogs and I have quite the collection of them.

What is something that never fails to make you laugh?
T: The memory of a friend turning around to say something in a store, and ultimately falling through the middle of two racks of sunglasses. She was unharmed, but stunned and the look on her face and her questions of, “Wha-what happened?” was priceless. We have all laughed for many years about it.
M: Being with my family. That is a guaranteed good time.

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