You What?

Ron Turpin, Commissioner, Allen County
Jan 2, 2025
Jeffrey Crane
You What?

Describe yourself in three words. Passionate, driven and loyal.

In what city did you grow up? Terre Haute, Indiana. I am a sixth-generation Hoosier.

What book has had the greatest impact on you? The Bible.

What is the first movie you ever saw in a theater? “Star Wars” in 1977. 

As a child, what did you want to be when you grew up? An extension agent running a local 4-H program. 

What is your favorite part of your job? Getting to meet people and helping address challenges in our community. I strive to have Allen County be the most dynamic and prosperous in Indiana.

What do you actually do at your job? A commissioner is essentially the mayor of the county, holding responsibility for the executive and legislative authority in that county. There are three commissioners in every county in Indiana, working together to ensure that all citizens are represented well. 

What was your first job? I was a dishwasher at a restaurant.

What is your greatest accomplishment? My children. They are in their early 20s and are healthy, happy and have a strong faith that is theirs. 

What is your dream job? I have it.

What is your biggest pet peeve? People who say “I can’t do something” without even trying. I would rather fail trying than guarantee failure in never doing. 

Who would you like to see perform in concert? Reba McEntire. I have seen her three times in concert; she is a fantastic performer. 

If you could travel anywhere, where would you go? I love to travel, so I’m up for anywhere new. 

If you could solve one major problem, what would it be? What would it look like if the Allen County jail were so sparsely populated that our confinement officers were bored? 

Where will you go on your next vacation? Greece. Our family is doing a “Footsteps of Paul” tour there in 2025. 

What’s one thing you can’t live without? Jesus. A close second would be my wife, Kathy.

What’s the best piece of advice you’ve been given? Be content and enjoy life in the present; don’t live in the future. 

What’s your biggest fear? Not trying. Looking back on my life and regretting what I didn’t do. 

What skill would you like to master? To be a better listener. 

What age do you wish you could permanently be and why? I love where I am right now. I have earned the wisdom gained from living to not make some of the mistakes of my youth and have the energy left for some big things to come.

If you could send a message to the entire world, what would you say in 30 seconds? Be more like Jesus. Reflect his love, compassion, peace and joy every day. 

If you received enough money to never need to work again, what would you spend your time doing? I’m doing it. At this stage of my life, I am focused on having an impact on my community first and foremost. I feel I am doing that, and it is a joy and privilege to serve. 

What gets you excited and driven to achieve? Thinking big and having impact that can positively impact a community for generations to come. I firmly believe our best days are ahead, not behind us. 

What moment in your life would you most like to go back and relive? Our wedding. When we were married 28 years ago, videotaping was a new thing. Some friends of ours taped the wedding and then lost the video. Our daughter recently got married on our anniversary. For my wife and I, it was a great experience to relive that day. 

What do you collect? Art. I am eclectic in my taste and have artwork from a number of painters throughout Indiana. If you ever come to my office, you will see two of my favorite Indiana pieces.  

If you had a time machine, where and to what time period would you travel? The Constitutional Convention of 1787. Getting to see giants such as Washington, Jefferson, Madison and Franklin at work would be awesome. 

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