
Reducing Burnout Through Enjoyment and Connection in the Workplace
Jan 2, 2025
Gloria May, COO

What does it mean to have a healthy work-life balance? Burnout is a real thing that several deal with, but there isn’t a magic formula that will tell you how long it will take to get over or what special diet will cure it. If you work full time, you are spending a large chunk of your life at work. As leaders, we want to be sure that our team enjoys doing life together. Enjoying where you work can contribute to a healthier outlook on life and can help on those tough days where burnout is peeking around the corner. 

How do we make work enjoyable? 

We listen. There isn’t always something that needs to be fixed or a question that needs to be answered. Simply being the ear to someone in their time of need can be quite reassuring. 

We are flexible. Sometimes it’s a simple accommodation we need to make for a team member. Life happens to all of us. Having an understanding mindset will foster a supportive environment and build trust within the team. 

We make ourselves available. Leadership should truly be available to all staff. Whether you are a manager or support staff member, you are encouraged to come to any member of leadership with concerns, ideas or just to talk. The door is always open, regardless of one’s position in the company.

We teach each other. A couple times a year, we hold E3 meetings (Employees Empowering Employees) where we take part of the day to focus on growth. Departments either train within their own departments or share key aspects of their workflows with other departments, promoting collaboration and cohesiveness across the company. 

We strive to make work fun! We have an unwritten rule that there must be upbeat appropriate music playing at all times. This helps everyone’s overall mood. There is also an open floor concept in all of our offices. This fosters collaboration among staff, allowing them to share ideas and tackle challenging cases together. 

We shut down. Do not communicate with co-workers about work after hours. Period.

Done well, many of your team members will make life-log friendships at work. Some will actually consider coming to work as their “retreat.” Supporting a healthy work-life balance is possible if you create an environment where people feel safe, valued, supported and you respect their time outside of work.  

Steppin' Up Physical Therapy

Phone: (260) 497-7191


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