Converting Fluorescent Light Bulbs to LED

Converting your sign from traditional fluorescent bulbs to newer LED bulbs is a good way to increase your company’s bottom line.
Oct 1, 2015
Sarah Chesebrough
Converting Fluorescent Light Bulbs to LED

Converting your sign from traditional fluorescent bulbs to newer LED (Light Emitting Diode) bulbs is a good way to increase your company’s bottom line.

Let’s talk first impressions. A partially or dimly lit sign speaks volumes about your company; none of it good. Keeping all of your bulbs burning is the first step, but consider retrofitting your sign completely to make it easier to read and much nicer to look at. LEDs put off a much brighter, truer light. When we talk visual branding, this is a positive reflection on your company (both literally and metaphorically).

Now for the science of savings. Advanced technology delivers savings in several ways. LEDs last longer and are more stable than fluorescent bulbs. LED bulbs are solid state, utilizing semiconductor material (a tiny chip sealed inside epoxy) instead of mercury-filled fluorescent tubes. LEDs are designed to better withstand both vibration and fluctuating temperatures and can last up to 65,000 hours or more if they have been installed properly. 

LEDs consume far less power than fluorescents. In addition to saving on maintenance fees to replace worn out bulbs, you can expect lower energy bills over time. This saves on cost and is also a way to be a good corporate citizen and conscious of your energy consumption. The materials used to construct the LEDs are also much more environmentally friendly than fluorescent bulbs. 

Converting to LED requires an initial investment, but your brightly-lit sign will attract positive attention and yield savings over time. 

About the Author

Sarah Chesebrough
Indiana Signworks
(260) 407-1262 



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